1.5. YANG Library Additions

The YANG Library (RFC 8525) is augmented to provide class bindings for the server implementation.

module: yangpp-classmap

  augment /yanglib:yang-library:
    +--ro yangpp
       +--ro classmap* [specified-module specified-class]
          +--ro specified-module      yang:yang-identifier
          +--ro specified-class       yang:yang-identifier
          +--ro implemented-module    yang:yang-identifier
          +--ro implemented-class     yang:yang-identifier
          +--ro bind-classref* [classref]
             +--ro classref    yang:yang-identifier
             +--ro map-path    string

The module 'yangpp-classmap' defines a data structure to identify a mapping beterrn a specified class ID and an implemented class ID.

 module yangpp-classmap {
     yang-version 1.1;
     namespace "urn:yangpp:params:xml:ns:yang:yangpp-classmap";
     prefix classmap;

     import ietf-yang-library { prefix yanglib; }
     import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; }

     revision "2024-11-12" {
       description "example YANG library additions for YANG++";

     grouping classmap-parms {
         "A class mapping consists of 2 class IDs.
          The implemented class ID is mapped to the specified class ID.
          Both 'specified-module' and 'implemented-module' are
          expected to be listed as'implemented' in the YANG library.";

         leaf specified-module {
           type yang:yang-identifier;
           mandatory true;
             "The name of the module containing the specified class.";

         leaf specified-class {
           type yang:yang-identifier;
           mandatory true;
             "The identifier for the specified class, defined within the
              module named by 'specified-module'";

         leaf implemented-module {
           type yang:yang-identifier;
           mandatory true;
             "The name of the module containing the implemented class.";

         leaf implemented-class {
           type yang:yang-identifier;
           mandatory true;
             "The identifier for the implemented class, defined within the
              module named by 'implemented-module'";

         list bind-classref {
             "Any external class references in the implemented class
              that are not in the specified class need to be mapped
              to schema tree nodes in this list.";

           key classref;
           leaf classref {
             type yang:yang-identifier;
               "The classref identifier associated with this binding
                in the implemented class.";
           leaf map-path {
             type string;
             mandatory true;
               "Schema node path binding for this class reference";

     grouping yangpp-parms {
         "Set of YANG++ class mappings that can be used
          at the global or per-node level.

          If no classmap entry is found for a specified class
          then the implemented class is assumed to be the
          specified class.

          A classmap entry is required if the specified class
          is a virtual class.";

       list classmap {
           "List of class mappings.";
         key "specified-module specified-class";
         uses classmap-parms;

     augment /yanglib:yang-library {
       container yangpp {
         uses yangpp-parms;

    // TBD: per-node mappings based on RFC 9196

TBD: examples